ECB- Buildings and Grounds Maintenance


Buildings and Grounds Maintenance

The School Committee recognizes its responsibility to protect the community’s investment in school buildings and grounds and to ensure that they are properly maintained. The Superintendent shall ensure that a maintenance program is developed and implemented that meets applicable health and safety requirements and protects the financial investment of the community. 

The Superintendent may delegate the direct supervision of the maintenance program and personnel as they deem appropriate, while retaining overall responsibility for the program. 

The Superintendent shall report periodically to the School Committee on the maintenance program and any significant problems. The Superintendent/designee shall develop such administrative procedures as deemed appropriate to encourage the proper care and respect for the school unit’s property by staff, students, and the public. 

Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA §1001; 1054; 4001 

Adopted: June 7, 2000 

Reviewed: November 7, 2011 

Reviewed: January 5, 2015 

Reviewed: April 24, 2023