Students have certain legal rights under federal/state constitutions and statutes as interpreted in pertinent court decisions. In connection with these rights are responsibilities that must be assumed by students. Among these rights and responsibilities are the following: 

A.  Civil rights, including the right to equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination; the responsibility not to discriminate against others; 

B. The right to attend free public schools in accordance with provisions of Maine statutes and policies of the board; the responsibility to attend school as required by law; 

C. The right to due process with respect to suspension, expulsion, or an administrative decision which a student believes has injured their rights; the responsibility to observe school rules and regulations essential for permitting others to learn at school; 

D. The right to free inquiry and expression and to voice grievances; the responsibility to observe reasonable rules regarding these rights and to express themselves in a manner that does not materially or substantially disrupt the operation of the school or conflict with the school’s basic educational mission; 

E. The right to privacy regarding the content of student records—as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act—and the right to dress as they please within reasonable guidelines related to health, safety, and the avoiding of potential disruption; and 

F.  The right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures; the responsibility to comply with school rules and policies. 

It is the School Committee’s belief that as part of the educational process, all students should be made aware of their legal rights and also of the legal authority of the School Committee to make or delegate authority to its staff to make rules and regulations regarding the orderly operation of the schools. As such, this policy shall be included in school handbooks or otherwise communicated to students and parents at the beginning of each school year. The School Committee expects all staff to abide by this policy in order to most effectively achieve mutual respect of rights and the acceptance of responsibility. 

This School Committee policy is designed for educational and informational purposes and is not intended to create, expand, or restrict any student rights or responsibilities. 

Cross Reference:   JIC- Student Conduct

                              JIH - Student Searches, Interrogations and Arrests 

                              JK - Student Discipline 

Adopted: November 18, 2002 

Reviewed: September 24, 2012 

Revised:  September 25, 2023