Assessment shall be performed to provide information on student abilities, achievements and educational needs.

Testing shall be designed as integral parts of the school unit’s needs assessment and evaluation programs. Tests shall be utilized primarily for furnishing needed information to decision makers, including the School Committee, administrators, teachers, parents and students. The needs of these various users shall be clearly identified, and the testing program shall be limited to obtaining that information which is necessary and useful.

There shall be broad-based involvement in the development of testing programs. Concerted effort shall be made to see that testing contributes to the learning process rather than detracts from it. Efforts shall be made to select culture-free/culture-fair tests to attain greatest accuracy. Learning goals and objectives shall provide the guidelines for determining tests to be utilized.

The school unit shall participate in the state-wide Maine Educational Assessment program as required by Maine law and applicable rules of the Commissioner of Education. In addition, students will participate in a nationally-recognized achievement test selected by the administration.

The Superintendent shall develop administrative procedures to implement this policy which will identify the standardized evaluation instruments and the procedures to be used.

Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA § 6201

CH. 125.15, B (Maine Dept. of Ed. Rule)

Adopted: June 7, 2000

Reviewed: September 10, 2012