The Lewiston School Committee recognizes the value of athletics as an integral part of the educational program. 

The School Committee believes that participation in sports provides a significant learning experience and opportunity for personal growth. Learning in sports is closely related to learning in the classroom, supporting the Guiding Principles of Maine’s System of Learning Results. In competition and practice, student-athletes learn skills, strategies, relationships, leadership, self-discipline, and responsibility. They also learn the importance of setting goals for themselves and the team and planning how to achieve them. 

The School Committee also believes that participation in sports is related to physical and emotional health and fitness. Sports provide the incentive for developing and maintaining healthy bodies and active minds. Sports promote habits of exercise and good nutrition that can last a lifetime. Participation in sports builds self-confidence and a sense of personal responsibility for making healthy lifestyle choices. Being part of a team also creates a feeling of belonging and offers a supportive network that contributes to emotional well-being. 

Based on these beliefs, it is the School Committee’s intent for the school district to offer students the opportunity to experience developmentally sound athletic programs. 

At the high school level, interscholastic athletic programs will be designed to serve the needs of students who have shown that they are developmentally ready for intense competitive experiences. At this level, the purpose of athletic programs is to promote healthy competition, sportsmanship, cooperation, integrity, and citizenship. Whenever feasible, sub-varsity programs will be available to students who wish to learn a new sport. The School Committee also supports intramural sports to involve students who are not competing in interscholastic activities. 

At the middle school level, the school district’s athletic programs will be designed to meet the developmental needs of students through appropriate intramural and interscholastic activities. At this level, athletic programs will emphasize the exploration of various sports, the strengthening of fundamental skills, teamwork, sportsmanship, and health and safety. The School Committee’s intends for the programs to promote opportunities for the involvement of all team members in practices and play. The School Committee supports intramural activities for students not participating in interscholastic activities or when financial, staffing or other concerns require the school to limit the number of students participating in interscholastic activities. 

The School Committee will be responsible for approving the school sponsorship of interscholastic athletic programs. The Superintendent/designee (e.g., Athletic Director) shall be responsible for making recommendations concerning the approval of new athletic programs or the modification or elimination of existing programs. The School Committee may articulate, through policy, criteria to be considered in decision-making or may delegate the responsibility for developing such criteria to the Superintendent/designee. 

Cross Reference:      JJIB—Sponsorship and Evaluation of Athletic Programs 

JJIBA—Hiring and Evaluation of Coaches 

JJIBB— Sportsmanship 

JJIBC—Relations with Booster Groups (or alternative code KJA) 

Adopted: October 30, 2006 

Reviewed: September 24, 2012 

Revised: July 20, 2015 

Reviewed: March 4, 2024