The School Committee has adopted this grievance procedure to provide a local avenue for persons with disabilities to raise concerns about whether the school unit is fully meeting its obligations under state and federal laws to protect persons with disabilities. This procedure is intended to meet the requirements of the federal Rehabilitation Act (34 CFR § 104.7(b)) and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (28 CFR § 35.107(b)).

Questions about this grievance procedure should be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer:

 Suzanna Gallant, Human Resources Director

36 Oak Street, Lewiston, ME 04240



William Grant, Executive Director of Operations

36 Oak Street, Lewiston, ME 04240


Step One

A person with an identifiable disability, or someone acting on that person’s behalf, may file a written grievance regarding compliance with state or federal disabilities laws with the building principal where the grievance arose, or with the Affirmative Action Officer.  If filed with the Affirmative Action Officer, that person shall forward it to the appropriate building principal.  No grievance will be heard if it involves actions that occurred more than 60 days prior to the filing of the grievance.

The building principal, after consultation with the Affirmative Action Officer, shall respond in writing to the grievance within 15 working days of its receipt.  Extensions of 15 working days may be allowed if necessary to fully address the issues in the grievance.  The principal’s written response shall be forwarded to the grievant and to the Affirmative Action Officer.

Step Two

If dissatisfied with the response, the grievant may obtain a review by the Superintendent of the principal’s decision.

The grievant must request that review within 15 working days of the decision by the principal.  After consultation with the Affirmative Action Officer, the Superintendent shall respond in writing to the grievance within 15 working days.  Extensions of 15 working days may be allowed when necessary to fully address the issues in the grievance.  The Superintendent’s written response shall be forwarded to the grievant and to the Affirmative Action Officer.

Except for grievances regarding physical alterations to school buildings or grounds, the decision of the Superintendent shall be final.  In the case of grievances regarding physical alterations to school buildings or grounds, a dissatisfied grievant may obtain a review by the School Committee of the Superintendent’s decision.

The grievant must request that review within 15 working days of the decision by the Superintendent.  The School Committee shall have a reasonable time to schedule a meeting on the grievance and to issue its decision.

Nothing in this grievance procedure in any way forecloses a person with a disability from seeking redress for their concerns at any time through other legal avenues, such as through the Office for Civil Rights, the Department of Justice, the Maine Human Rights Commission, or the Maine Department of Education.

Questions about other legal avenues available for persons with disabilities to pursue compliance concerns under various disabilities laws should be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer: 

Suzanna Gallant, Human Resources Director

36 Oak Street, Lewiston, ME 04240



William Grant, Executive Director of Operations

36 Oak Street, Lewiston, ME 04240



This notice is available in large print and on audio tape from the Affirmative Action Officer.


Reviewed: September 12, 2011

Reviewed: November 3, 2014

Reviewed: August 22, 2016

Reviewed: November 19, 2018

Revised: April 24, 2023