INJDB-E LMS Computer Home Use Procedure



A computer is being provided to your child as an integral and inseparable part of the instructional process. The intent of this effort is to provide student access to this technology at home as well as at school. In order for this to happen, the following

guidelines have been developed and adopted by the School Committee:


1. In order to bring a computer home, parents and students must attend an initial Family Laptop Orientation meeting offered by the school. In subsequent years, parents and students will not be required to attend another computer orientation meeting, but must annually sign the Computer Home Use Procedure Agreement.

2. It is the responsibility of the student and parent(s) to know and follow the LMS Computer Home Use guidelines. Guidelines are reviewed when students receive the computer and when parents attend the mandatory orientation session.

3. The Student Technology and Internet Use Rules (IJNDB-R attached) applies to home use of computers. However, the school does not provideInternet access for home use. While the district is not obligated to apply its filtering software in the home environment, each computer is configured to provide some filtering.

4. The computer issued to each student is an educational tool and should onlybe used in that capacity. Students should have no expectations of privacy in their use of the computer.

5. When a student brings a computer home, it is with the expectation that it will be used in a common family location so that adult supervision can be maintained. Parents/guardians have the right to their child’s login password in order to maintain supervision of the student’s computer usage at home.

6. Replacement and/or repair costs for lost, stolen or damaged computers, carrying cases, and/or chargers that are not covered by the warranty are the sole responsibility of the undersigned parent/guardian.

7. If a computer is stolen while signed out by a student, it must be reported immediately to the Lewiston Police Department and then to school administration.

8. Parents should check with their insurance providers about the cost of special endorsements to cover expenses not covered by the warranty.

9. Computers must not be taken out of state.

10. Students must sign out their laptops, carrying case, and charger on a daily basis. Sign out will take place during normal school hours following the procedures determined by the LMS administrators. Special arrangements (parent or guardian sign out and pick up) must be made in advance for those students participating in extracurricular activities such as sports,

drama, intramurals, etc.

Laptops are not to be taken into locker rooms, playing fields, practice

or rehearsal areas, etc. Laptops shall be returned on the next

scheduled school day.

11. Parents will be contacted promptly if a student returns to school without the computer. The parent will be expected to immediately bring the computer to school.

12. In the event that a computer has not been returned within twenty-four hours

of an expected return, the Lewiston Middle School may contact the Lewiston Police Department to investigate.

13. Failure to comply with this policy and/or other policies and guidelines related to computer use will result in a student’s computer sign-out

privilege being revoked.

I have attended the Family Laptop Orientation meeting. I have also read and hereby agree to the procedures and expectations outlined above and in Policy IJNDB, IJNDB-R and IJNDB-E

Printed Student Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________Date:______________________________________________

Printed Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Cross Reference: IJNDB – Student Computer and Internet Use

INJDB-R – Computer Use and Internet Rules

INJDB-E – Lewiston Middle School Computer Home Use


Adopted: May 21, 2007

Reviewed: September 10, 2012

Revised: November 13, 2017
