ECA - Buildings and Grounds Security


Buildings and Grounds Security

Buildings and grounds represent a large financial investment for the school unit, and it is necessary to safeguard this investment for students and the taxpayers of the community. The Superintendent/designee shall develop and implement the administrative procedures necessary to provide security for the school unit’s buildings, grounds, and property. The School Committee encourages close cooperation with the local, county, and state public 

safety departments, as well as insurance company inspectors in maintaining and improving security. 

Security shall include maintenance of secure buildings, protection from fire hazards and faulty equipment, and safe practices in the use of machinery and electrical, heating, and plumbing equipment. 

Access to school buildings outside of regular school hours or authorized school and recreational activities shall be limited to school staff whose work requires it. An adequate key control system shall be established that limits access to authorized personnel and safeguards against keys being obtained by unauthorized persons. 

Adopted: June 7, 2000 

Reviewed: November 7, 2011 

Reviewed: January 5, 2015 

Reviewed: April 24, 2023