Scatterplots and Linear Correlation

2021.04.28 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: How do we identify whether a scatter plot indicates a positive or nagative linear trend?

Do Now

Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘Every time ______ happens, ______ seems to happen too’? You can fill in the blanks with almost anything, because it is natural to recognize patterns in life.

- When it is rainy, you feel more tired.

- The tallest players on the basketball court tend to be the best.

- When you get a good night’s sleep, you do better on assessments.

These patterns show a potential relationship between two variables, but it might just be coincidence. How can we determine whether the relationship really exists?

On Jamboard, create a sticky note, and fill in the blanks to this sentence. You may do more than one.

‘Every time ______ happens, ______ seems to happen too’


Do Now (5 - 10 Minutes)

Linear Correlation of Bi-Variate Data Notes (15 - 20 Minutes)

begin CW (5- 10 Minutes)

Linear Correlation of Bi-Variate Data Notes

2021.04.28 Linear Correlation of Bi-Variate Data

Class Work

3 questions. Begin today. Due Monday. Marking period ends Tuesday, May 4