Composite Functions

2020.11.12 10:57 am - 11:40 am

Teaching point: How do we find the composition of two functions?

Do now

1) Describe what happens in Frank’s Fun Factory.

2) Frank’s Fun Factory is being sold on TV. Would you want to buy it? If yes, explain why. If no, explain how it could be made better so that you would want to buy it.

Type your response in the chat.


Do now: (5-10 Minutes)

Composition Puzzle Group Work (25 Minutes)

Presentation of solutions (5-10 minutes)

Composite Functions

2020.11.12 Composing Functions

Composition Puzzle Group Work

Group 1: Nasim, Alpha, Marc

Group 2: Ariana, Rouba, Aalima

Group 3: Georden, Jorge, Mohamed S.,

Group 4: Alyamama, Naima, Julius, Saleh

Group 5: Joseph, Mohamed K, Abu