Credit Basics

2020.11.20 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: What is the fundamental vocabulary related to credit and lending?

Do now

What would you ask a stranger who wanted to borrow money from you? Respond in the chat or go ahead and unmute yourself.


Do now (5 - 10 minutes)

Banking Explained: Money and Credit (10 Minutes)

Loan Basics Notes ( 10 - 15 minutes)

Test Corrections (25 minutes)

Banking Explained

Watch 1:18 - 1:55

As you watch be prepared to discuss the following:

  1. What is the relationship between people who save money in banks and people who borrow money from banks?

  2. How does the bank make a profit?

Loan Basics

2020.11.20 Credit Basics


Complete the assignment from yesterday if you haven't already done so.