Budgeting in the Gig Economy

2021.03.10 11:40 am - 12:21 pm

Teaching point: What are the financial implications of working in the gig economy?

Do Now

Answer in the Document

2021.03.08 Do Now


Do Now and Review (5 - 10 minutes)

What is the Gig Economy? (5 minutes)

The difference between freelancing and being an employee (15 - 20 Minutes)

Keys to success as a gig worker (5 minutes)

Closure (5 Minutes)

What is the Gig Economy?

The Difference between Freelancing and being an employee

One type of job in the gig economy is freelancing, which is a form of self-employment focused on short-term jobs.

2021.03.10 Gig Economy

Keys to success as a Gig Worker


1) The marking period ends Monday, March 15.

2) The budget project was due yesterday and the reflection questions are due today. Please finish them and submit it you have not done so already.

3) We will have one more short assessment Friday

4) I have a Restorative Justice meeting on Wednesday so can meet after school Thursday of this week instead if you need help getting caught up.