Creating a Personal Profile

2021.01.25 10:57 am - 11:40 am

Teaching point: How do we use our interests, skills, talents and areas for growth to create a CAS profile?

Do now

What is a "personal profile" and why do you think it's important for when applying for extra-curricular activities or college?

CAS Do nows


Do Now (10 minutes)

Create a Personal Profile (15 minutes)

Interview a Partner (10 minutes)

Share Out (5 - 10 minutes)

Create a Personal Profile

What can we learn from developing a personal profile?

How could we all benefit from knowing our collective interests, skills, talents and areas for growth?

What questions can you ask yourselves to create a personal profile. Work to develop some key questions.The key questions can be extended by each student.

Use the questions provided on the google classroom document or add additional questions.

Interview a Partner

Ask the initial questions, listen for answers, ask for more information, and take notes.

Brainstorm what can be said if a response to a question is, “I don’t know". For example, further questions may assist, such as: “What do you do on weekends?”; “What’s the first thing you do after school?”; “What do you wish you were better at?”

Explore their partner’s interests, skills, talents and areas for growth using the key questions and then extension questions. Each partner is interviewed for 5 minutes. Then switch.


Construct a master list of interests, skills, talents and areas for growth. This can be done by one student telling one item about his or her partner. Record responses on chart paper for display.

How is knowing these items about others helpful for everyone in CAS? How can students be a resource for their peers? When beginning a CAS project, how could assembling a group profile be helpful?

Interests, talents, areas for growth

Reminder: Requirements

There is no hour requirement for CAS but you must show a significant commitment to CAS over the course of 18 months.

We recommend that you complete approximately 150 hours of CAS work

You must show evidence, in the form of reflection, of the seven CAS learning outcomes