Identity Theft

2020.01.15 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: What actions can you take if you are a victim of identity theft?

Do Now

There are many proactive steps you can take to minimize the risk of your personal information being stolen. Answer the questions below in the document.

  1. Think about how you currently use your smartphone and social media. What actions can you take to protect your information more securely?

  2. Most of the steps recommended in the video are fairly easy to do. Why, then, do you think a lot of people fail to do them?

2021.01.08 Do now


Do Now (5 - 10 minutes)

Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft (20 minutes)

What to do if your identity is stolen? (10 minutes)

Closure/Homework (5 minutes)

Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft

Watch the video and be prepared to answer the following questions.

  1. Think about how you currently use your smartphone and social media. What actions can you take to protect your information more securely?

  2. Most of the steps recommended in the video are fairly easy to do. Why, then, do you think a lot of people fail to do them?

  3. Based on this video, what other steps do you need to take to protect yourself from identity theft?

What to do if your Identity is Stolen?

Review this list of steps you can follow if you become a victim of identity theft or fraud. Use it to answer:

  1. As you’ve seen throughout this lesson, ID theft is quite common. If it happens to so many Americans, why do you think cleaning up the effects is so time-consuming and difficult?

  2. Pay close attention to item #3 on the list, which says you will automatically have access to each credit bureau’s credit report after you report the ID theft. What would you recommend as appropriate follow-up in the months and years afterwards?