Jobs on the Rise

2021.05.07 11:40 am - 12:21 pm

Teaching point: How can we analyze potential careers based on salary, stability, growth, training and responsibilities?

Do Now

Would you rather have a job you hate that pays $120,000 or a job you love that pays $40,000? Why?

2021.05.04 Do Now


Do Now and Discussion (10 - 15 minutes)

Which Careers are the biggest gamble? (10 - 15 minutes)

Dig Deeper into 15 Jobs on the Rise (10 - 15 minutes)

Which Careers are the Biggest Gamble?

Stability and pay can be important factors in choosing a career. Analyze the graph below to learn about that careers that might be the biggest gamble.

1) Your friend Jada asked for advice: Should she pursue a career in the entertainment industry? Using the graph, justify why or why not.

2) Retail workers, TSA workers, and nurses all have low variability in wages. Give an example of one job that is not listed that likely has a low wage variability. Explain your reasoning.

Dig Deeper into 15 Jobs on the Rise

Some jobs are increasingly in-demand, which may make it easier to find a position and be paid well. Open the assignment in Google classroom. Click on the interactive and answer the questions.