Facebook and Finances

2020.10.27 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: How can Facebook destroy your finances?

Do now

Look at the cartoon to the right. What do you think is happening in this Cartoon?


Do Now (5 - 10 Minutes)

Five reasons why we impulse buy Review (5 Minutes)

Living Paycheck to Paycheck (10 - 15 Minutes)

Facebook and Finances (10 Minutes)

Five Reasons Why we Impulse Buy

Even if you have the best intentions of saving money, it can often be hard to follow through. This article outlines why it’s so easy to impulse shop instead of saving to meet our goals. Answer the questions that follow.

  1. Which reasons people impulse shop apply to you?

  2. Describe an example of a time when you experienced one of these shopping impulses

  3. Name three strategies you could use to fight the urge to impulse buy.

Living Paycheck to Paycheck

2020.10.23 Obstacles that prevent us from saving

Facebook and Keeping up with the Joneses

Read the article and answer the questions for homework.