Savings vs. Investing

2021.03.16 11:40 am - 12:21 pm

Teaching point: What is the value of investing early, regularly and long-term to maximize earnings?

Do Now

Open Jamboard and complete the prompt.


Do Now (5 - 10 minutes)

Savings vs. Investing Notes (10 - 15 minutes)

What is compound interest? (5 - 10 min)

Closure (5 Minutes)

Saving vs. Investing Notes

Investing is a powerful tool you can use to build your wealth in the long run. So, how does it work?

2021.03.16 Investing vs. Savings

What is compound interest?

In the notes above, you learned that compound interest is one of the key factors that can help your money grow. Let’s take a deeper look at how compound interest works in this video.


“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.” - Albert Einstein

What does this quote mean to you?