Dependents and Income

2021.04.23 11:40 am - 12:21 pm

Teaching point: What is a dependent and when can you be claimed as a dependent by someone else on their tax return?

Do Now

How do 18-24 year olds plan to use their tax refund? Answer in the document below.

2021.04.19 Do Now


Do Now (5- 10 minutes)

Dependents and Income Notes (10 minutes)

Finish: Should they file a tax return? (10 - 15 minutes)

Review Responses ( 5- 10 min)

Dependents and Income Notes

Most people don't know that there are actually two types on income - earned and unearned - and each is taxed differently.

2021.04.23 Dependents and Earned vs. Unearned Income

Reference: Do I Need to File a Return?

As a teen, filing a tax return can be a mostly straight-forward process. However, you may be wondering how that process changes if someone claims you as a dependent or if you are a self-employed worker or household employee. Read through this reference to learn more about what to do in these scenarios.

2021.04.21 Do I Need to File a Return?

Play: Should you File a Tax Return?

Finish this activity. Be prepared to review at the end of the period.