Syllabus review

2021.02.03 1:06 pm - 1:47 pm

Teaching point: What topics will we be learning about in term 2 and how can we be successful?

Do Now

Welcome to Algebra 2 Semester 2!

Unit 4 Do Now A2


Do Now (10 minutes)

Syllabus Review (10 - 15 minutes)

Features of Graphs Review (10 - 15 minutes)

Syllabus Review

The syllabus is listed below for your review. Please note the update grading policy. 10% of your grade is now participation in class. Participating in class means that you are present in the live session, you complete the do now, answer questions by unmuting or typing in the chat and respond to the teacher when called on. Simply logging into class and not participating will result in a zero for daily participation. Your first homework assignment is to review the syllabus with your parent/guardian and fill out the receipt form.

MRS22 Algebra 2 Semester 2 Syllabus

Features of Polynomial Graphs

Let's describe a graph and review it's features

2021.02.03 Polynomial Patterns