Choosing a College Major

2021.02.08 11:40 am - 12:21 pm

Teaching point: Why is it important to research expected starting salaries when choosing a college and major?

Do Now

Question of the day

Unit 5 Do now


Do Now (5 - 10 minutes)

Notes (5 minutes)

Choosing a College Major (15 - 20 minutes)

Closure and Homework (5 minutes)

Notes and Review

2021.02.03 Paying for College Notes

Choosing a College Major

Choosing a college and a major can be a daunting process because it’s a huge financial decision! However, there are a few key criteria you can use to help you make a sound decision for yourself.

Read the introductory part of this article, stopping when you get to “Trends in College Majors.” (5 min)

Then discuss the following questions with your group. Choose 1 person to report back to the class.

  1. The article recommends you heavily consider your expected starting salary after graduation. Why do you think this is an important factor to keep in mind when making a decision?

  2. In addition to expected starting salary, what other factor(s) do you think are important to consider when making a decision about a college and major? Explain.


You will do a short reading online and answer 2 questions. This is due tomorrow. Remember assignments submitted late will not receive full credit.