Student Loans

2021.02.24 11:40 am - 12:21 pm

Teaching point: When thinking about student loans, what strategies can we use to be a responsible borrower?

Do Now

  1. Aside from attending college, what are some possible options you’ve thought of pursuing right after graduating high school?

  2. What else would you like to know about these college alternative options?

Unit 5 Do now 2


Do Now and Review (5 - 10 minutes)

Finish Analyze College and Career Choices (10 -15 minutes)

EXTRA CREDIT: Do research using your own interests (10 - 15 minutes)

Closure (5 Minutes)

Do Now Review

2021.02.22 Student Loans

Analyze College and Career Choices

Today we will finish our work in groups to do some research about borrowing responsibly. We will compare the cost of tuition to starting salaries of various professions and begin to make responsible borrowing decisions. You and your group will analyze colleges and career choices for either Albert of Jada

If and when you finish you will research your own college and career choices for extra credit. This is posted in Google Classroom.


We will have a quiz on Friday on The benefits of college, FAFSA, Choosing a major, Grants, Scholarships and Loans.