American Savings

2020.10.21 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: How much do Americans have saved?

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Do Now (5 Minutes)

Mini-Lesson: How Much do Americans have saved? (20 minutes)

Activity: How financially prepared are Americans? (10 Minutes)

Closing/Homework (5 Minutes)

How much do Americans have saved?

2020.10.21 What percentage of Americans can not cover a $400 emergency with cash or savings account emergency fund?

Activity: How Financially Prepared are Americans?

Due Today


The Marking period ends on Tuesday, October 27. We will have a final Quiz on Monday. Do not be absent.

Closure: Discussion

The notes and video have three points of overlap -- retirement, emergency fund, and education. Why do you think it’s SO important to save in these 3 categories?