Finish your savings goals

2020.11.02 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: How do we develop a personal financial plan, including goals and spending-and-saving plan?

Do now

Choose one of your medium or long term goals. Conduct research online to figure out a rough estimate of how much you would need to save to reach your goal. Write your findings in the document.

2020.11.02 Do Now


Do Now (10 Minutes)

Finish your Savings Goals (25 Minutes)

Closure (5 minutes)

Assignment (Due Today)

Calculate how much you need to save for one of your goals. Then write a letter to your future self.

This assignment is due by the end of today. If you don't have time the finish letter, you can do it for homework.


  • More than half of American households have less than one month’s worth of income in a readily available savings account (The Motley Fool, 2016)

  • 1 in 3 Americans do not have any retirement savings and 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck