Mistakes are Beautiful Things

2020.09.23 12:23 pm - 1:06 pm

Teaching point: How does your mindset affect your math learning?

Do now

What have you struggled with and what did you do to overcome it? (5 minutes)

To use the Padlet below, double click the blue space or press the + button in the bottom right. Add a short response to this question. You may also comment on another student's response.


Do Now Reflection (5-10 Minutes)

Growth Mindset Activity (10-15 Minutes)

Math Activity (10-15 Minutes)

Closure (10 Minutes)

Growth Mindset Activities

As you watch the video, be prepared to answer respond to the following prompts:

What interested you the most in the video? What was most surprising?

How have mistakes been valued in your past math class? Give specific examples.

Math Activity

2020.09.21 Mistakes Are beautiful Things


Write a letter to “one-year-from-now-you”:

  • include what you hope will happen in math class (maybe also what you fear)

  • include the goals you have set for yourself based on a growth mindset and your thoughts on growing your brain/intelligence

  • include something specific about math content you want to explore further (maybe based on the math we have done so far)