Risk Assessment

2021.04.16 11:40 am - 12:21 pm

Teaching point: What strategies can we use for selecting investments that meet the objectives of a personal financial plan?

Do Now

Envision your retirement. Respond in the document below.

2021.04.05 Do Now


Do Now and Review (10 minutes)

Review Compare Types of Retirement Accounts (20 - 25 minutes)

Take a Risk Assessment and Reflect on Your Results (5 - 10 minutes)

Closure (5 minutes)

Compare Types of Retirement Accounts

In this activity, you’ll take a closer look at 4 of the most common types of retirement accounts. Pensions, 401(k)s, and Traditional and Roth IRAs.

After you’ve set your retirement goal, the second step in planning for retirement is to open a retirement account, of which there are a few types. As with any financial decision, before you sign up, you’d want to read the specific fine print for your account.

Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete the activity.

Risk Assessment

You’ve landed your first job out of college and you’re excited to hear that your company not only offers a voluntary 401(k) plan, but they will match $0.50 per $1.00 up to 6% of your salary. Thinking back to the personal finance lessons you learned in high school, you know that participating is a MUST; you also remember there are a lot of decisions that lie ahead.

You need to decide how to split your investment between stocks and bonds. You recall what you’ve learned about risk and return associated with each type of investment, but you figure it is worth trying out a questionnaire to see what is recommended.