Collecting Data

2021.05.03 1:06 pm - 1:47 pm

Teaching point: What kind of data can we collect about our peers and how can we analyze it?

Do now

Let's collect some data about our class. Answer the questions in the form.


Do Now (5 - 10 min)

Make up work or Desmos (25 - 30 Minutes)

If your grade is 65% or higher.....

An enrichment DESMOS assignment is posted for you in Google Classroom to prepare you for our next unit

If your grade is less than 65%......

Work on one assignment that will bump you up to a passing grade.

End of Marking Period

The marking period ends TOMORROW Tuesday, May 4. No work will be accepted after 3 pm on that date. If you are passing, your grade has already been entered and I will not be accepting or grading anymore late work.