Complete Meme on Google Drawings

2020.09.18 10:00 am - 10:20 am

Teaching point: How do we use Google Drawings to create memes about classroom safety and remote learning etiquette?

Do Now (5)

Take a moment to briefly describe the meme that you are creating. Say it out loud or type it in the chat. Please show your video so we can all see you!


Do Now 5

Finalize your meme for submission 10 Minutes

Wrap - Up 5 minutes

Finalize your meme (10 minutes)

Finish working on your meme. If you are working with a partner, please let me know and I will assign you a Google Meet Link to work in together. If you need help, let me know.

Wrap-Up (5 minutes)

Your Google Drawing Meme is due by the end of today and will be a classwork grade. Please submit it in Google classroom by going to the Class work tab and under Unit 0 you will see the assignment with the date 2020.09.17. Attach your drawing to the assignment and don't forget to click "Turn-in".