
2020.11.09 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: How does inflation affect financial decisions, including the price of goods and services?

Do now

Look at the comic to the right. What do you think it means? Has an older member of your family ever said something like this to you? Type in the chat or unmute your mic to give your answer.


Do now (5 minutes)

Mini Lesson: Inflation (10 minutes)

Classwork (15 -20 minutes)

Closure (5 minutes)

Mini Lesson: Inflation

2020.11.09 Inflation

Class Work (Due Today)

Finish the class work with your group. Come back to the class meet at 10:02 with questions.

Group 1: Farook, Amir, Hashem, Blu, Rakib

Group 2: Ashon, Kenny, Naquan, Yaseen

Group 3: Taliyah, Dilenny, Khaleia, Soraya, Anaise

Group 4: Ndeye, Meliza, Magali, Rolando, Alyssa

Group 5: Shontaya, Kaliah, Amani, Sarai, Akiah, Sajah


Are there any questions that your group struggled with?