Quiz Review

2020.10.26 10:57 am - 11:40 am

Teaching point: How do we improve our knowledge of financial applications of sequences?

Do Now

Let's Review Common misconceptions. We will quickly review number 2 and 4.

2020.10.22 Unit 1 Quiz 2


Quiz Review (10 Minutes)

Quiz Makeup or Tower of Hanoi (30 Minutes)

Today's work

Students will have an opportunity to improve their quiz score before the end of the marking period. You will receive a new quiz (same question type with different numbers). You can earn back half of the points that you lost on each questions by completing that question correctly. Example, I earned (+0/6) points on question 2 on the old quiz. I can complete question 2 on the new quiz and earn 3 points back. The highest percentage I can receive is an 80 so 17/21.

Students who already have an 80 (or those who are very close) will work on a separate project. The students listed below will work on the Tower of Hanoi assignment in Google classroom.



Nasim (choice)

Alpha (choice)

Alyamamma (choice)