Savings Basics

2020.10.20 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: Why should I save and how much should I save?

Do now

What are the top reasons to save your money? Type in the document. Don't repeat what someone else wrote. Initial in the right column if you agree.

2020.10.20 Do now


Do Now (5 Minutes)

Mini-Lesson: Why should I save and how much should I save? (20 minutes)

Activity: How financially prepared are Americans? (10 Minutes)

Closing (5 Minutes)

Why to save and how much to save?

2020.10.20 Why to save and how much

Activity: How Financially Prepared are Americans?

Not due today

Closure: Discussion

The notes and video have three points of overlap -- retirement, emergency fund, and education. Why do you think it’s SO important to save in these 3 categories?