Paying for College

2021.02.05 11:40 am - 12:21 pm

Teaching point: What is the difference between the sticker price and net price of College?

Do Now

Question of the day

Unit 5 Do now


Do Now (5 - 10 minutes)

Notes (5 minutes)

FinCap Friday: Tuition, Fees and Books oh my! (10 minutes)

Finish Activity: How much will your college actually cost? (20 - 25 minutes)

Notes and Review

Start on slide 13

2021.02.03 Paying for College Notes

Fincap Friday: Tuition, Fees and Books Oh My!

Finished your College research? Complete the edpuzzle posted on Google Classroom.

How Much Will Your College Actually Cost?

Before deciding on a college , it is important to research the sticker price compared to the net price of attendance. Let's do some research! Due today!