
2020.10.06 12:23 pm - 1:06 pm

Teaching point: How do we describe the symmetry of a function?

Do now (5 minutes)

Joshua and Mohamed are having a discussion about the end behavior of this graph.

Joshua says that both ends of the graph are increasing because the entire graph is on the positive side of the y-axis.

Mohamed says that as x is increasing, y is also increasing. However, when x is decreasing, y is decreasing as well because the graph is approaching negative infinity.

10.06 Do now (Responses)


Do Now (5-10 Minutes)

Mini-Lesson: Symmetry (15 Minutes)

Classwork (10 Minutes)

Closure (5 minutes)

Mini Lesson: Symmetry

2020.10.06 Classifying functions summary

Activity: Putting it all together

Let's take all of the terms we learned and put them all together. Use each one to describe the given graph.

Some Reminders and Tips

1) Make sure that you "Turn in" your work. If you don't click "Turn in" it won't be graded and you will receive a zero. Even if you only do half of an assignment, turn it in. Half credit is better that a zero.

2) When you click "Turn in" make sure that the work is there. Some teachers will give you credit for turned in work without even looking at it. WE ARE NOT THOSE TEACHERS. Work is graded for completion and accuracy and will be returned to you if it is not done well.

3) You must turn in work on Google Classroom. We are trying to be flexible but we cannot grade work that is emailed or messaged to us. You are all welcome to do work in your notebook but you MUST attached it to the Google Classroom assignment. This is super easy to do. I have tried it myself by pretending to be a student in Google Classroom. You can attach things to the assignment very easily from your phone. Please make the effort to learn how to do this.

4) If you have received feedback on your work, and would like to correct it, then make sure to turn the work in again on Google Classroom. This option is not always available. I have no problem if you correct your homework or classwork so that you can learn from your mistakes. But assessments cannot be corrected unless we give you permission to do so. Do not email us or comment on the work telling us to grade it again. Turn it in and we will see it and grade it when we have a chance. Remember, work submitted late, or submitted a second time, will get graded late.

5) DO NOT MISS THE LIVE CLASS! And if you do, go to the daily website for the lessons and read through the notes to get caught up. DO NOT email us that you don't know what to do. There are 33 students in this class and Mrs. Othman and Mrs. DeFilippo have other classes and other students. We cannot provide private tutoring sessions to students who do not attend class.