Compositions of Functions

2020.10.15 12:23 pm - 1:06 pm

Teaching point: How do we compose functions?

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Whichever option you choose, justify your reasoning with mathematics.

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Do Now (5 Minutes)

Review Composing Functions (10 min)

Practice ( 10-15 Minutes)

Review (5 Minutes)

Review Composing Functions

Today we are going to be thinking about the Composition of Functions, which is similar to the factory model in our do now. We are going to explore how the composition of functions works, make sense of what is most interesting about it and why it might be useful.

Here is a video to refresh your memory. Please watch the video. Pause as needed. Work on the class work. We will be holding individual grade conferences when you work.

Khaled, Hussain, Raj, Joshua, Yusuf, Omar, Ukkasha

Safoura, Soraya, Awa, Isabel, Aaliyah, Ashley

Hinda, Khadega, Kawthar, Amnah, Somayah, Hayla, Abigail

Class Work

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Let's Review

2020.10.15 Composition of functions practice