Extra Credit/ Grade Improvement

2020.12.08 12:23 pm - 1:06 pm

Teaching point: How can I improve my grade for mp2 and 3?

Do Now:

Click on the Jamboard link below. Post a hashtag or GIF to represent your day. Enter your name next to your post.


Do now Jamboard (5-10 Minutes)

Differentiated assignment: (25 - 30 Minutes)

Desmos Card Sort Review

Is your grade 65% or higher? Would you like to start off MP 3 with some extra credit? Watch the video below and answer the questions in Google Classroom.


Is your grade less than 40%? The marking period ends tomorrow and you are unable to pass the class at this point. Start off Marking period 3 with some extra credit!

Is your grade between 40% and 65%?

You may just need to complete a couple of assignments to pass. In the form, tell me

1) What will you work on now?

2) What will you work on tonight?

3) How will you improve for next semester so you don't have to complete assignments at the last minute?

Coming up.....

The marking period ends Tomorrow. Fresh start on Thursday!


In the syllabus that you all have access to and that most of you read and signed off on, it clearly states........

-Work turned in one day late will be given half credit

-Work turned in more than one day late will receive a zero

-The only exception is you have a valid excuse, verified by a parent

Mrs. Othman and Mrs. DeFilippo have been EXTREMELY generous in accepting late work and will not continue to allow it.