What is a function?

2020.09.29 12:23 pm - 1:06 pm

Teaching point: What criteria can we use to classify functions?

Do now - Check in (5 minutes)

Answer the following questions in your notebook individually and be prepared to share your responses. Bonus points for students who participate verbally by unmuting themselves. Points added to your classwork.

1) What is a function?

2) What types of functions did you study in Algebra 1?

3) What is the hardest thing to understand about a graph?


Do Now (5-10 Minutes)

Individual Work: Sorting Graphs (15 Minutes)

Presenting your Work (10 Minutes)

Closure: Survey Reflection and Assign Homework (5 Minutes)

Individual Work: Sorting Graphs (15 Minutes)

Sort your graphs into exactly 4 groups. As you work consider the following questions:

    • Which features are important to notice about the graphs? Which features don’t really matter?

    • What criteria about the graphs are you using to put them into different groups?

When you are done sorting

    • Create a name for each group of graphs

    • On the next slide write a few sentences that summarize how all 4 groups are similar and different

Presentation of Solutions (10 minutes)

3-4 students present their work by sharing their screen. Use the following sentence stems to help.


I noticed ______ so I ________.”

I connected _______ because ________.”

“_________ is different from the other graphs because _______.”

Survey Reflection: How can we be successful this year? (5 Minutes)

Help Mrs. Othman and Mrs. DeFilippo help you!

Sorting Graphs Homework

Practice using criteria to sort graphs. This assignment is due tomorrow before class. Assignments will receive half credit if they are one day late. After that they will receive a zero. Do not fall behind!