Rule of 72

2020.11.05 9:31 am - 10:14 am

Teaching point: How can the rule of 72 help determine when my money will double?

Do now


Do Now (5 Minutes)

Mini Lesson: Rule of 72 (15 Minutes)

Group Work: Compound Interest/Rule of 72 (15 Minutes)

Closure (5 minutes)

Rule of 72

Want to know how fast your money will double? Check out the video below.

Class Work

The classwork for the next few days will be done in Groups. You will only have 1 document and you must work together. Only students who help their groups will earn credit. Today you will work on part 1. The document is found in Google Classroom. Come back to class at 10:05 am!

Group 1: Farook, Amir, Hashem, Blu, Rakib

Group 2: Ashon, Kenny, Naquan, Yaseen

Group 3: Taliyah, Dilenny, Khaleia, Soraya, Anaise

Group 4: Ndeye, Meliza, Magali, Rolando, Alyssa

Group 5: Shontaya, Kaliah, Amani, Sarai, Akiah, Sajah

Quiz Tomorrow

Topics from October 27 until today. Check the web pages and your notes to study.