PE Year 3 & 4

Hello and welcome to Term 3 Physical Education!

My name is Mr. Parker and I am excited to join Glen Waverley Primary School as your new PE teacher. I am looking forward to meeting you all once we return to school, but for now let's work together online and enjoy our learning from home experience.

Please click on the current week below to access your lesson!

Year 3 Learners

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Year 3 learners on Friday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

3A - 12.30, 3B - 12.40, 3C - 12.55,

3D - 1.05, 3E - 1.15

Year 4 Learners

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Year 4 learners on Monday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

4A - 12.30, 4B - 12.40, 4C - 12.55,

4D - 1.05, 4E - 1.15

I understand many families will not have access to a lot of sports equipment for PE lessons, so we need to get a little bit creative. If you could start collecting any of the following items they will come in handy for participation in your weekly PE lessons.

  • empty plastic bottles (ie. soft drink/juice/milk) as these will be useful as targets to aim at.

  • cardboard tubes (eg. end of wrapping paper/cling wrap/foil/paper towel etc.)

  • hankies/balled up socks/scarves/balloons - to use for throwing, catching and kicking.

If you have any PE questions, please contact me via email -

I would love to hear from you and am more than happy to help.