2D's Notice board

2D’s Sharing and Reflecting

A message from Mrs Stefanidis...

Hi terrific, tremendous 2D!

Mrs Stefanidis here. I trust you are all well and keeping warm.

Just a few reminders with Learning from home 2.0:

  • Each of you will be involved in an individual conference and two group conferences

  • If you have any questions about learning please write it in the Microsoft Team EDUVIC-2D 'Questions about Learning' page or alternatively send me a Teams message

  • 9:30am & 2:30pm- Roll call and Questions and answers time (if you are more than 15 minutes late you will be marked at 'late' and if you do not attend you will be marked as 'absent'

  • Specialist day is on a Wednesday and only the 9am roll will be marked

  • English and Math Talks on Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-1:00 pm

  • All learning is to be uploaded to Seesaw

Please feel free to email me or send me a message via Teams if you have any questions and I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. My email is sotiria.stefanidis@education.vic.gov.au

I am here for you :)


Happy Birthday to the following special people:

Mrs Stefanidis 4th October

Marcus 5th of October

EPIC- Please Click on this link and enter the class code to access a variety of different books.

Class Code: pqa1333

Please upload all of your learning via your Home Learning Code on Seesaw. Each member of 2D has their individual code which has been sent via Teams. If you have any questions please let Mrs Stefanidis know.