Year 1&2 PE (2.0) Week 7

Welcome to your week 7 Physical Education lesson.

Year 1 Learners

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at:

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Year 1 learners on Tuesday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

1A - 12.30, 1B - 12.40, 1C - 12.55, 1D - 1.05, 1E - 1.15

Year 2 Learners

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at:

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Year 2 learners on Thursday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

2A - 12.30, 2B - 12.40, 2C - 12.50, 2D - 1.00, 2E - 1.15


This warm up is the same for all year levels so if you have siblings you can do your warm up together!

Maybe even get your parents to join in!

This week your Fawkner House Captain, Appu, is taking you through your warm up.


Click on the slides below to take you through this week's mini lesson.

Drop Kick

Learning Task: Handballing Recap

Purpose: To continue to develop your technique to perform a handball.

Aim: To perform the handball action up in the air to catch yourself. Try to do 5 times in a row on each hand, do this twice.

Things to focus on:

  • Standing side on.

  • Balance ball on hand.

  • Make a fist with the other hand.

  • Look at the ball.

  • Swing arm and hand through the ball

Learning Task: Step, step, drop, kick.

Purpose: To develop the skill of a drop punt.

Aim: To understand the technique involved and practice dropping the ball and kicking with the top of your foot.

Things to focus on:

  • Hold the ball in 2 hands (one hand on either side)

  • Step on your kicking leg first. Then follow the Step, Step, Drop, Kick.

  • Keep your eyes on the ball.

  • Point your foot towards the target.

  • Drop the ball, don't throw it in the air.

Learning Task: Target Kicking

Purpose: Develop kicking skills, focusing on directional kicking.

Aim: To kick the football at a target and hit the target, whether this is a wall or wheelie bin. The target can be anything.

Please do this outside!

Things to focus on:

  • Hold the ball in 2 hands (one hand on either side)

  • Step on your kicking leg first. Then follow the Step, Step, Drop, Kick.

  • Keep your eye on the ball.

  • Point your foot towards the target.

  • Drop the ball, don't throw it in the air.


Watch the video below of some students having a kicking lesson.

What do you notice they are doing that might help you with your skill?