Year 5 Performing Arts

Term 4, Week 1

Welcome Back everyone!

This Term, we are going to look at one of the reasons behind acting - to educate an audience.

'Odd Squad' is a TV show created to teach different Mathematical Concepts to Primary School children. Many of the professional actors in this show are around your age!

Once back at school, we will work towards creating an episode of our own - inspired by Odd Squad. Today, I would like you spend time exploring the show and the website!

As always, if you have any questions or you would like to share your learning with me, please email me on:

Task 1 - Watch an episode of your choice and answer the questions below

Click the link to your left and answer the following questions:

  1. What mathematical idea or concept was this episode trying to teach the audience / viewer?

  2. Explain one strategy they use to educate / teach the audience.

  3. Why would somebody create a show to educate about Maths, rather than just create worksheets or provide written tasks?

  4. What did the actors do to make this episode:

      1. Interesting?

      2. Easy to understand?

Task 2 - Watch short clips

Click the link to your left

  • Watch at least 3 clips from the website - they are sorted according to what mathematical concept they are teaching.

  • While you are watching - think about how they are teaching the idea and also how they are making it entertaining.

Task 3 - Brainstorm for your own show

Using the link from Task 2 (also to your left):

  • Choose a mathematical concept from the website. Make sure it is something you are confident and interested in.

  • On your iPad, create a document to write the following things:

      • A heading that says your mathematical concept

      • List at least 3 different storylines that might be able to teach this idea using through acting (just like they do in the show). These ideas only need to be a couple of sentences long - keep them brief.

  • Please bring this document to school as I would like to share these ideas and maybe even develop them into a play!