2C's Notice Board

Message from Ms Sierp

Hi wonderful 2C!!

Welcome to week 1 of Term 4. I hope you all had an amazing holiday break and I look forward to hearing all about your adventures this week and preparing to head back into the classroom in week 2.

Below is the Timetable, please check it carefully!! All of your groups remain the same and those of you who didn't have an individual conference in the last week of Term 3 have one this week. You will also find the Timetable on SeeSaw and Teams.

Write your conference days and times down and remember to be logged onto Teams ready to start.

Remember, everyone in the class has to be at the class meeting/chat every morning from 9am-9.30am and every afternoon at 2.30pm, even if you don't have a question. I will be marking the roll, so if you're not there you will be marked as absent! This will also allow us all to connect and say hello to our classmates.

And lastly, don't forget that Wednesday is specialist learning day. This means we only have 9am class meeting/roll, and you spend the day completing you specialist learning.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all, via Teams, on Monday morning :)

Ms Sierp

2C Birthdays!

October - Ms Sierp :)

2C Student Learning

Ms Sierp's

Term 4, Week 1



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