Prep PE

Term 4

Week 1

Welcome Term 4! Here is your Physical Education lesson for Week 1.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at:

I will respond as soon as possible and if required we can schedule a teams conference to discuss face to face.

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Prep learners on Thursday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

Prep A - 12.30, Prep B - 12.40, Prep C - 12.55, Prep D - 1.05, Prep E - 1.15

I am really looking forward to seeing you all back at school next week!


Choose 1 or 2 of the learning tasks below for your lesson today.

Option 1: Animal Moves

Aim: To investigate different ways animals move.

Set Up:

  • You will need a fairly big space to work in. Perhaps outside if possible.

  • Think about some different animals and try to move the way they do.

  • Choose some different pathways that you could use to move like the different animals.

  • Be as creative as you can.


  • Which movements used just your feet? Which movements needed hands and feet?

  • Which movements were the hardest? Which movement did you find easiest?

  • Which animals move fast and which ones move slowly?

Option 2: Target Throwing

Aim: To throw and hit as many targets as you can from one spot.

Equipment: Something to throw (balls/socks), targets (eg. empty plastic bottles/shoes etc.)

Set Up: Set up an area with lots of different targets. Try to make them different distances from your throwing position.

Technique: Use any type of throws you like to try and hit as many targets as you can from your throwing position.

Reflection: What did you find to be the most accurate way to throw?

Option 3: Basketball Familiarisation

Watch the video of Mrs Hardy and follow along with the different skills to develop your basketball skills.

Equipment: Basketball or a ball that bounces


  • Keep your knees bent

  • Use your fingertips to push the ball down to the ground.

  • Try to bounce up to your waist height.

  • Try to look up from the ball.


  • When you are bouncing what are some of the important things to remember?