PE Year 5 & 6

Hello and welcome to Term 4 Physical Education!

I hope you all had a wonderful break. Enjoy this week's online learning tasks and I'll see you back at school next week!

Year 5 Learners

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Year 5 learners on Tuesday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

5A - 12.30, 5B - 12.40, 5C - 12.55,

5D - 1.05, 5E - 1.15

Year 6 Learners

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Year 6 learners on Thursday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

6A - 12.30, 6B - 12.40, 6C - 12.55,

6D - 1.05, 6E - 1.15

I understand many families will not have access to a lot of sports equipment for PE lessons, so we need to get a little bit creative. If you could start collecting any of the following items they will come in handy for participation in your weekly PE lessons.

  • empty plastic bottles (ie. soft drink/juice/milk) as these will be useful as targets to aim at.

  • cardboard tubes (eg. end of wrapping paper/cling wrap/foil/paper towel etc.)

  • hankies/balled up socks/scarves/balloons - to use for throwing, catching and kicking.

If you have any PE questions, please contact me via email -

I would love to hear from you and am more than happy to help.