Virtual Sports Competition

Welcome to the GWPS Virtual Sports event! This page contains all the information you need if you would like to participate. Please carefully read the guidelines listed below to ensure you complete all of the requirements and follow the necessary safety precautions when participating.

Good Luck!

GWPS is excited to launch our LFH 2.0 Virtual Sports event. This will be an opportunity for you to put the skills you have learnt during LFH 2.0 Physical Education into practice in a Level 3-6 sports competition! The competition contains 2 events which are based on the Soccer and Australian Rules Football skills we have been learning during Term 3. House Points will be awarded to all learners who choose to participate in the competition. Points are based on participation, not results, so you will be helping your house just by submitting an entry!

There are 4 competition categories:

  • Level 3

  • Level 4

  • Level 5

  • Level 6

Please make sure you have your parent/guardians permission before participating in the event.

Getting started

Carefully watch this video and read the instructions on how to participate


  • You must complete both events in order to enter the competition.

  • You can complete the 2 events as many times as you like, but please only submit your best attempt at each to Mr Parker.

  • Remember to warm up, stretch & cool down. After all, your overall health, well-being & safety are most important.

There are five steps to get involved:

Step 1:

  • Find a suitable space to complete the events.

Step 2:

  • Film yourself completing both events.

Step 3:

  • Please submit the following information to Mr. Parker via email -


YEAR LEVEL:__________________________________


SOCCER GOAL FRENZY RESULTS AND VIDEO:__________________________

HIT THE TARGET HANDBALL RESULTS AND VIDEO:____________________________

Step 4:

You ought to be very proud of your sporting achievement. Give yourself a pat on the back for participating!

Step 5:

Keep your eye on this page for updated results and further information.


Soccer Goal Frenzy!

This event is directly related to the Week 2, 3 and 4 PE learning where we worked on our Soccer dribbling and shooting skills! You should re-visit these pages to help refresh your memory of the technique and skill requirements.

* Remember you don't have to have a Soccer ball to participate. Be creative - use a basketball, tennis ball or anything else you might have! *

  1. Set up 3 x cones (or anything else you might like to use) 1 metre apart to dribble the ball around.

  2. Set up your goals (maximum 2 metres wide).

  3. Get your camera ready to film.

  4. Start at the first cone and zig-zag dribble the ball through the cones.

  5. Once you are through the cones, take a shot at goal!

  6. Repeat this for 2 minutes and score as many goals as you can!

  7. Record the amount of goals you scored and move on to event 2.

Hit the Target Handball!

This event is directly related to the Week 6 PE learning where we worked on our Australian Rules Football handball skills! You should re-visit the Week 6 page to help refresh your memory of the technique and skill requirements.

* Remember you don't have to have an AFL ball to participate. Be creative - use a basketball, soccer ball or anything else you might have! *

  1. Set up your target! (Target must be at least 2 metres away)

  2. Get your camera ready to film.

  3. Handball the ball towards the target

  4. See how many times you can hit the target in 2 minutes!

  5. Record the amount of times you hit the target

  6. Submit your entry to Mr Parker!


Congratulations on completing the GWPS Virtual Sports Competition. Now all you need to do is submit your videos and scores to Mr Parker -


YEAR LEVEL:__________________________________


SOCCER GOAL FRENZY RESULTS AND VIDEO:__________________________

HIT THE TARGET HANDBALL RESULTS AND VIDEO:____________________________