Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths

Welcome to the Learning from Home page for STEAM. The following learning tasks have been provided for you to support your learning in the area of STEAM. These may serve as an opportunity for a break from your learning with your class, but also provide experiences that could challenge you in a unique and different way.

Any work or discoveries at the conclusion of LFH 2.0 can be handed in to me if you choose to do so.

Remember this is not a Specialist Subject, rather a series of challenging learning experiences aligned with the curriculum.

If you require any Feedback or Feedforward, please email Mr Welsh on during Specialist Wednesday.

Feel free to provide examples of your work if you wish.

Every 2 weeks there will be a new STEAM Element containing learning designed to challenge your thinking. Weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5 contain a task for Science, Technology and Engineering. Week 5 and 6 will focus on Art and Week 7 and 8 will focus on Maths. If you do not get a chance to complete a task in the allocated weeks, then feel free to complete them during Specialist Wednesday.


Engaging Science based Tasks


Technology tasks from home involving deep thinking


Engineering challenges using house hold items


Artistic solutions to STEAM challenges


STEAM based problem solving using mathematics