Week 4

Welcome to Week 4 Daily Activities. We have added lots of new ideas to stay active. You can always go back to previous weeks if you have a favourite activity to do though!

Family Challenges!

Guess the word!

Using the Fitness Alphabet spell out a word using the different fitness skills for each letter (Click here for the Alphabet). See if someone in your family can guess the word without telling them what it is.

Star Jump Challenge!

  1. Who in your family can continue to do Star Jumps for the longest time?

  2. Who can do the most number of Star Jumps correctly in 30 seconds?

Feel like dancing?

Stretch out those muscles

Workout with your House Captains


Basketball skills with Appu!


Fitness with Gabriel!

Get up and get moving!

More ideas to get you moving!

  • Jumping on a trampoline.

  • Skipping with a skipping rope.

  • When going for a walk with the family, complete additional movements such as skipping, hopping, jumping, crab walking or sprinting to a fixed point and then back to your family.

  • Create a small running course or sprinting track around your backyard (if your backyard is a suitable size). After some simple stretches see how fast you can complete the course/track and try and beat your personal best.

  • Walking/Bike Riding/Scooter Riding with adult supervision.

  • Create an obstacle course either inside your house or outside. Make sure you get permission and clean up when you are finished. You could use chairs to climb under and over, use soft toys/other objects to weave in and out or jump over, change the movement for example hopping, skipping, crab walking, frog jumps and so on.