Year 1&2 PE (2.0) Week 6

Welcome to your week 6 Physical Education lesson.

Year 1 Learners

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at:

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Year 1 learners on Tuesday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

1A - 12.30, 1B - 12.40, 1C - 12.55, 1D - 1.05, 1E - 1.15

Year 2 Learners

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at:

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Year 2 learners on Thursday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

2A - 12.30, 2B - 12.40, 2C - 12.50, 2D - 1.00, 2E - 1.15


This warm up is the same for all year levels so if you have siblings you can do your warm up together!

Maybe even get your parents to join in!

This week your Fawkner House Captain, Tvisha, is taking you through your warm up.


What do you know about AFL?

Click on the slides to learn a little bit about AFL.

Week 6 AFL

Learning Task: Bullseye!

Purpose: To develop your technique to perform a handball at a target.

Aim: To hit a target, this can be any target. Some examples could be on the wall outside, wheelie bin, plastic bottle, the possibilities are endless.

Ball to use: the ball you will use ideally would be an Australian rules football. If you do not have access to one of these you could use any ball you have at home. The ball can be a soccer ball, basketball, tennis ball, any ball you have at home we are practising the skill.

Things to focus on:

  • Standing side on.

  • Balance ball on hand.

  • Make a fist with the other hand.

  • Look at the ball.

  • Swing arm and hand through the ball

Learning Task: Handball with a Partner

Purpose: To develop your skill of handball and combine it with the skill of catching.

Aim: To handball to a partner (or a wall) and catch

Things to focus on:

  • Standing side on to your target.

  • Always keeping an eye on the ball.

  • Make sure you keep your thumb outside of the fist.

  • Step towards the target as you handball.


What is the most interesting aspect that you learnt about the game of AFL?

What is important to remember when you are performing a handball?