Grade 5-6 Maths

HOME AUTOMATION WITH Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Lesson 4 of 4)

LI: To develop an understanding of the role Maths and AI could play in the average home


Identify the AI features in my house that have a mathematical connection

Apply my understanding of maths to create a model compatible with AI

Create a model of an AI house that lists AI features and their mathematical connection

I can reflect on the mathematical aspects of my AI creation


It is commonly known that devices using Artificial Intelligence contain programming to allow them to have computational thinking. This is known as the ability to make a decision based on a set of possibilities.

Can you brainstorm just as you did in lesson 1 the types of devices such as smart cars and smart phones, however this time can you think about the use programming? Can you brainstorm just as you did in lesson 1 the types of devices such as smart cars and smart phones, however this time can you think about the devices that use complicated programming?

Programming is about algorithms within programming such as Python, R, Lisp, Prolog and Java.


Think about your AI House from the previous lessons and the various devices and systems that use AI.

  1. Choose an AI device or system that you have put into your design

  1. Use Google to search for different types of programming used for AI

  2. Choose the best programming for your house

  3. Once you have chosen, conduct some research and record your findings using any platform of your choice