Term 4 LOTE


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PART 1 -- New topic: Seasons 季节 (jì jié)

句子 (jù zi) -- Sentences:

你最喜欢什么季节?nǐ zuì xǐ huān shén me jì jié

Which season do you like most?

生词 (shēng cí)vocabulary:

春天 chūn tiān --- Spring

夏天 xià tiān --- Summer

秋天 qiū tiān --- Autumn

冬天 dōng tiān --- Winter

PART 2 -- Let’s sing together!

season song

季节歌 jì jié gē

Part 3 -- Everyday Language


nǐ shì nǎ guó rén

A: 你 是 哪 国 人?

-- what is your nationanity?

wǒ shì zhōng guó rén

B: 我 是 中 国 人。

-- I am Chinese.

Part 4 -- Chinese Tranditional Story

This is an English cartoon version of Journey to the West -.- 《西游记》 Xī Yóu Jì.

I hope you enjoy this Chinese traditional famous story.

Journey to the West (Chinese: 西遊記; pinyin: Xī Yóu Jì) is a Chinese novel published in the 16th century during the Ming dynasty and attributed to Wu Cheng'en. It is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. It has been described as arguably the most popular literary work in East Asia.

The novel is an extended account of the legendary pilgrimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang who travelled to the "Western Regions", that is, Central Asia and India, to obtain Buddhist sacred texts (sūtras) and returned after many trials and much suffering.

Journey to the West 9 Monkey King

西游记 第九集 美猴王 --悟空

Journey to the West 10 Monkey King

西游记 第十集 美猴王 --悟空