Prep (2.0) Week 5 PE

Welcome to your week 5 Physical Education lesson.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at:

I will respond as soon as possible and if required we can schedule a teams conference to discuss face to face.

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Prep learners on Thursday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

Prep A - 12.30, Prep B - 12.40, Prep C - 12.55, Prep D - 1.05, Prep E - 1.15


This warm up is the same for all year levels so if you have siblings you can do your warm up together!

Maybe even get your parents to join in!

This week your Latrobe House Captain, Gabriel is taking you through your warm up.

Please note his acrobatics at the beginning of the video is not something you should try unless you have permission and supervision from your parents!!



This is our final week of Tennis so we are going to reflect on what we have learnt and put all of our skills together today.

Watch the video below and follow along to practice your ball skills.

Skills included;

  • Throwing and catching

  • Bouncing and catching

  • Balancing

  • Underarm throw for accuracy (throwing into a bucket: how many can you get in in 20 seconds?)

Learning Task: Ball skills

Purpose: To be able to throw with control to make your ball bounce up to a partner.

Aim: To perform an underarm throw and using trial and error accurately hit your target.

Some points to focus on:

  • Make sure your throwing arm is swinging in a straight line.

  • Try to make your ball make a rainbow shape in the air before bouncing on the ground before your target.

  • Explore how you need to change what you are doing for different distances.

Learning Task: 2-handed Strike

Purpose: To develop your striking action.

Aim: To use a 2 handed strike to effectively hit an object.

Things to focus on:

  • Stand side on the the target.

  • Hold your racquet with 2 hands.

  • Keep your eyes on the target as you swing.

Extension: Try bouncing the ball out in front of you and hitting it towards a target.


What skills do you feel you have improved at over the last 4 weeks?

What do you think you still need help to develop with your striking action?