Prep (2.0) Week 10 PE

Welcome to your week 10 Physical Education lesson.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me at:

I will respond as soon as possible and if required we can schedule a teams conference to discuss face to face.

I will also be holding a weekly sharing session for all Prep learners on Thursday's between 12.30-1.30pm for 10 minutes per class.

Prep A - 12.30, Prep B - 12.40, Prep C - 12.55, Prep D - 1.05, Prep E - 1.15

Thank you so much to all the learners who sent in your videos last week displaying the amazing learning you have done throughout this term. I really enjoyed watching you all! You can still upload your videos and fill out the Reflection form on WEEK 9 if you would like to.

This week we are doing things a little bit different. As we head into 2 weeks of school holidays we would like to take this opportunity to share some ideas of how you and your family can stay fit and healthy as well as having lots of fun together. We hope you enjoy the different learning tasks we have suggested and look forward to hearing lots of stories after the holiday break.

There are 3 sections:

  • Ideas to get active as a family

  • Healthy eating ideas

  • More ideas to stay active in the holidays

Ideas to get active as a family!

Choose 1 or 2 activities to try today for your PE lesson. You can then use these ideas to stay active throughout the school holidays if you like!

Warm up with your Latrobe House Captain, Gabriel!


Guess the word!

Using the Fitness Alphabet spell out a word using the different fitness skills for each letter (Click here for the Alphabet). See if someone in your family can guess the word without telling them what it is.

Balloon Tap Challenge

See who can keep the balloon up off the ground using only your feet/knees/head?

Obstacle Course

Create your own obstacle course.

It could be inside or outside.

Think about different objects you could use to put in your course. For example: a chair (to crawl over/under), a broom to jump over, a hose to create a line for you to follow.

Think about different ways you could move. For example: skipping, hopping, running, jumping and so on.

You might even choose to move like different animals through different sections of your course.

Try to make it as creative as you can and then share it with other people in your house to have a go to!

Star Jump Challenge!

  1. Who in your family can continue to do Star Jumps for the longest time?

  2. Who can do the most number of Star Jumps correctly in 30 seconds?

Healthy Eating Ideas!

Being aware of what sort of foods we should be eating more/less of is important for keeping our bodies healthy.

This site: has some fantastic information about Healthy Food Choices and also has some great recipes you might like to try.

Healthy Eating Lesson

Using the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating diagram see if you can work out which section the foods you eat today fall into.

For example:

Breakfast: Eggs on toast........ Eggs - Blue section, Toast - Orange section, Butter (on the toast) - outside the circle (use small amounts)

Snack: Banana - Light Green section

Lunch: Ham and salad wrap......... Ham - blue section, Wrap - Orange section, Salad - Dark Green section

Click on the image to take you to the site for a larger image.

Cooking Time

Plan and cook a healthy snack for your family.

  1. Find a recipe. You may like to choose one from this website or one of your own:

  2. List all the ingredients you will need and see what you may need to get mum/dad to buy.

  3. Plan a time with your family to make your recipe.

  4. Reflection: What did you like about what you cooked? Was it all healthy ingredients? Would you make it again?

More ideas for the Holidays

Holiday Fitness Log

Complete a fitness log with your whole family. Choose some different skills/movements that you would like to include and see how your fitness improves over the holidays.

Planking Challenge

Who can hold the plank position for the longest in your family?

How far have you travelled?

Record how far you walk/run/ride each day and keep a tally of how many kilometres you have gone.

You may even like to draw on a map the different routes you have taken on your